Resulst of the 2012 seaSON
Week 1, Grading, Wednesday the 16th of May 2012
Field 1 | Results | Field 2 | Results | |
6.55 PM | Spiderpigs | 2 | Pretty Astrid | 7 |
Blue Birds | 3 | Wii not fit | 2 | |
7:20 PM | Pretty Astrid | 8 | Blue Birds | 0 |
Spiderpigs | 0 | Wii Not Fit | 4 | |
7:45 PM | Easy Touch Tiger | 0 | TouchUM Bandioots | 0 |
Goodies | 4 | TouchUM Anteaters | 4 | |
8:10 PM | Goodies | 2 | TouchUM Bandicoots | 0 |
TouchUM Anteaters | 1 | Easy Touchy Tiger | 3 | |
8:35 PM | Don’t lose Touch | 5 | TouchUM Bearcats | 1 |
Touch Coalition | 4 | TouchUM Wolverines | 4 | |
8:55 PM | Dont Lose Touch | 3 | TouchUM Bearcats | 1 |
TouchUM Wolverines | 3 | Touch Coalition | 3 | |
9:20 PM | Dutch Rudders | 4 | Dunneworthy | 4 |
TSA Allstars | 3 | The NoGooders | 2 | |
9:40 PM | Dutch Rudders | 1 | TSA Allstars | 2 |
Dunneworthy | 2 | The NoGooders | 1 |
Week 2, Regular Season Round 1, Wednesday the 23rd of May 2012
Field 1 | Results | Field 2 | Results | |
7:00 PM | Dunneworthy | 11 | Dutch Rudders | 12 |
Pretty Astrid | 4 | TouchUM Anteaters | 2 | |
7:50 PM | TouchUM Bandicoots | 2 | Goodies | 7 |
TSA Allstars | 6 | Don’t lose Touch | 8 | |
8:40 PM | TouchUM Wolverines | 8 | TouchUM Bearcats | 3 |
Blue birds | 4 | Easy Touchy Tigers | 11 | |
Bye: Spiderpigs, The NoGooders, WII Not Fit, Touch Coalition
Week 3, Regular Season Round 2, Wednesday the 30th of May 2012
Field 1 | Results | Field 2 | Results | |
6:55 PM | The NoGooders | 5 | Wii Not FIT | 8 |
Spiderpigs | 5 | Touch Coalition | 7 | |
7:45 PM | Dunneworthy | 11 | TouchUM Bandicoots | 1 |
TouchUM Anteaters | 5 | Dutch Rudders | 9 | |
8:30 PM | Dont Lose Touch | 7 | Victorious Secret | 7 |
TSA Allstars | 7 | Blue Birds | 1 | |
9:15 PM | TouchUM Bearcats | 3 | Pretty Astrid | 10 |
TouchUM Wolverines | 7 | Easy Touchy Tigers | 4 |
Bye: Goodies
Week 4, Regular Season Round 3, Wednesday the 06th of June 2012
Field 1 | Results | Field 2 | Results | |
6:55 PM | Easy Touchy Tiger | 7 | Touch Coalition | 3 |
Spiderpigs | 4 | The NoGooders | 3 | |
7:45 PM | Dunneworthy | 8 | Dutch Rudders | 8 |
Goodies | 4 | TSA Allstars | 4 | |
8:30 PM | TouchUM Anteaters | 5 | TouchUM Bandicoots | 4 |
Victorious Secret | 3 | Pretty Astrid | 9 | |
9:15 PM | TouchUM Bearcats | 4 | TouchUm Wolverines | 4 |
Blue birds | 6 | Wii not fit | 6 |
Bye: Don’t Lose Touch
Week 5, Regular Season Round 4, Wednesday the 13th of June 2012
Field 1 | Results | Field 2 | Results | |
6:55 PM | Dutch Rudders | 5 | The NoGooders | 3 |
Dunneworthy | 8 | Easy Touchy Tiger | 5 | |
7:45 PM | Dont Lose Touch | 8 | Goodies | 7 |
TouchUM Bandicoots | 5 | Wii Not Fit | 4 | |
8:30 PM | TSA Allstars | 8 | Touch Coalition | 3 |
TouchUM Anteaters | 6 | Blue Birds | 1 | |
9:15 PM | TouchUm Wolverines | 5 | TouchUM Bearcats | 5 |
Victorious Secret | 3 | Spiderpigs | 11 |
Bye: Pretty Astrid
Week 6, Regular Season Round 5, Wednesday the 20th of June 2012
Field 1 | Results | Field 2 | Results | |
6:55 PM | The Goodies | 5 | TouchUM Bandicoots | 5 |
TouchUM Anteaters | 2 | Touch Coalition | 5 | |
7:45 PM | Dunneworthy | 11 | Victorious Secret | 4 |
Dont Lose Touch | 6 | Easy Touchy Tiger | 6 | |
8:30 PM | Pretty Astrid | 6 | Wii Not Fit | 6 |
TSA Allstars | 3 | Blue Birds | 1 | |
9:15 PM | TouchUM Bearcats | 0 | TouchUM Wolverines | 9 |
The NoGooders | 5 | SpiderPigs | 7 |
Bye: Dutch Rudders
Field 1 | Results | Field 2 | Results | |
6:55 PM | TSA Allstars | 4 | The NoGooders | 5 |
The Goodies | 6 | Touch Coalition | 2 | |
7:45 PM | Dunneworthy | 12 | Wii not fit | 5 |
TouchUM Bandicoots | 5 | Spiderpigs | 4 | |
8:30 PM | Dutch Rudders | 8 | TouchUM Wolverines | 7 |
Pretty Astrid | 5 | Easy Touchy Tiger | 4 | |
9:15 PM | Dont Lose Touch | 5 | Victorious Secret | 9 |
TouchUm Anteaters | 8 | TouchUM Bearcats | 2 |
Bye: Blue birds
Week 8, Regular Season Round 7, Wednesday the 04th of July 2012
Field 1 | Results | Field 2 | Results | |
7:00 PM | Dunnweorthy | 7 | Pretty Astrid | 7 |
TSA Allstars | 2 | Don’t Lose Touch | 2 | |
7:50 PM | Dutch Rudders | 9 | TouchUM Anteaters | 6 |
The Goodies | 3 | TouchUM Bandicoots | 6 | |
8:40 PM | TouchUM Bearcats | 4 | Victorious Secret | 5 |
Blue Birds | 0 | Wii Not Fit | 5 | |
Bye: Easy Touchy Tiger, The NoGooders, Spiderpigs, TouchUM Wolverines, Touch Coalition
Week 9, Regular Season Round 8, Wednesday the 11th of July 2012
Field 1 | Results | Field 2 | Results | |
7:00 PM | Dutch Rudders | 9 | TSA Allstars | 4 |
Dont Lose touch | 3 | The NoGooders | 5 | |
7:50 PM | Wii Not fit | 5 | Blue Birds | 4 |
Easy Touchy Tiger | 13 | Spiderpigs | 13 | |
8:40 PM | Pretty Astrid | 6 | Victorious Secret | 5 |
The Goodies | 6 | Touch Coalition | 5 | |
Bye: TouchUM Anteaters, TouchUM Bandicoots, TouchUM Wolverines, TouchUM Bearcats, Dunneworthy
Week 10, Regular Season Round 9, Wednesday the 18th of July 2012
Field 1 | Results | Field 2 | Results | |
7:00 PM | Dunneworthy | 8 | Easy Touchy Tigerr | 8 |
Goodies | 7 | Touch Coalition | 4 | |
7:50 PM | Dutch Rudders | 12 | The NoGooders | 9 |
TouchUm Anteaters | 4 | Blue Birds | 2 | |
8:40 PM | Dont Lose Touch | 4 | Victorious Secret | 11 |
Wii not Fit | 8 | Spiderpigs | 3 | |
Bye: TouchUM Bandicoots, TouchUM Bearcats, TouchUm Wolverines, TSA Allstars, Pretty Astrid
Week 11, Regular Season Round 10, Wednesday the 25th of July 2012
Field 1 | Results | Field 2 | Results | |
6:55 PM | TSA Allstars | 3 | Easy Touchy Tiger | 10 |
Don’t Lose Touch | 7 | Blue Birds | 1 | |
7:45 PM | Pretty Astrid | 7 | Goodies | 10 |
TouchUm Anteaters | 5 | TouchUM Bandicoots | 2 | |
8:30 PM | TouchUm Wolverines | 5 | Wii Not Fit | 2 |
Dunneworthy | 14 | TouchUM Bearcats | 6 | |
9:15 PM | Victorious Secret | 6 | Spiderpigs | 5 |
The NoGooders | 1 | Touch Coalition | 6 |
Bye: Dutch Rudders
Week 12, Regular Season Round 11, Wednesday the 01st of August 2012
Field 1 | Results | Field 2 | Results | |
6:55 PM | Dunneworthy | 8 | Victorious Secret | 4 |
Pretty Astrid | 5 | Easy Touchy Tiger | 8 | |
7:45 PM | Dutch Rudders | 8 | TouchUM Wolverines | 2 |
TSA Allstars | 6 | The NoGooders | 5 | |
8:30 PM | Dont Loser Touch | 5 | Touch Coalition | 9 |
TouchUM Bandicots | 3 | TouchUM Bearcats | 2 | |
9:15 PM | Goodies | 10 | Wii not Fit | 3 |
TouchUM Anteaters | 5 | Spiderpigs | 2 |
Bye: Blue birds
Week 13, Regular Season Round 12, Wednesday the 08th of August 2012
Field 1 | Results | Field 2 | Results | |
6:55 PM | Dutch Rudders | 12 | Wii not Fit | 1 |
TouchUM Bandicoots | 3 | The NoGooders | 5 | |
7:45 PM | Dunneworthy | 9 | Victorious Secret | 4 |
TouchUm Anteaters | 4 | Spiderpigs | 5 | |
8:30 PM | TouchUM Wolverines | 6 | TouchUm Bearcats | 6 |
Touch Coalition | 4 | Blue birds | 6 | |
9:15 PM | TSA Allstars | 5 | Goodies | 10 |
Pretty Astrid | 3 | Dont Lose Touch | 5 |
Bye: Easy Touchy Tiger
Week 14, Regular Season Round 13, Wednesday the 15th of August 2012
Field 1 | Results | Field 2 | Results | |
6:55 PM | Dont Lose Touch | 5 | Victorious Secret | 8 |
Pretty astrid | 11 | Touch Coalition | 7 | |
7:45 PM | Dutch Rudders | 6 | Spiderpigs | 10 |
Dunneworthy | 8 | Blue birds | 6 | |
8:30 PM | Goodies | 10 | Easy Touchy Tiger | 7 |
TSA Allstars | 7 | The NoGooders | 4 | |
9:15 PM | TouchUM Anteaters | 4 | TouchUM Wolverines | 6 |
TouchUm Bandicoots | 2 | TouchUm Bearcats | 4 |
Bye: Wii not Fit
Week 15, Semi Finals and playoffs, Wednesday the 22nd of August 2012
Semi final games are underlined
Field 1 | Results | Field 2 | Results | |
6:55 PM | TouchUM Wolverines | 3 | TouchUm Bearcats | 3 |
The NoGooders | 8 | Spiderpigs | 7 | |
7:45 PM | Dunneworthy | 11 | Easy Touchy Tiger | 10 |
Pretty Astrid | 5 | Wii Not Fit | 2 | |
8:30 PM | Dutch Rudders | 8 | TouchUM Bandicoots | 4 |
Goodies | 6 | TSA Allstars | 5 | |
9:15 PM | Victorious Secret | 3 | Touch Coalition | 6 |
Dont Lose Touch | 7 | Blue birds | 3 |
Bye: TouchUM Anteaters
Week 16, Grand Finals/Playoffs, Wednesday the 29th of August 2012 (final week)
Grand final games are underlined
Field 1 | Results | Field 2 | Results | |
6:55 PM | Touch Coalition | 5 | Bluebirds | 4 |
Victorious Secret | 7 | TouchUm Bearcats | 7 | |
7:45 PM | Dunneworthy | 6 | Goodies | 5 |
Dutch Rudders | 3 | Pretty Astrid | 5 | |
8:30 PM | Easy Touchy Tiger | 4 | TouchUM Wolverines | 8 |
The NoGooders | 1 | Wii not fit | 1 | |
9:15 PM | TSA Allstars | 3 | Spiderpigs | 6 |
TouchUM Anteaters | 6 | TouchUM Bandicoots | 7 |
Bye: Don’t Lose Touch